Book an appointment online
If you need to see your GP, then you can book an appointment online using our online system. Our appointments are booked at 10-minute intervals.
How to book an appointment
Consultations are firstly telephone appointments, and then if the clinician feels it is required a face to face appointment is booked.
Book an appointment online to see your GP by using the NHS App or our online system. Click the link below to book an appointment. You’ll be able to choose the type of appointment you need.

Types of appointments
At Perranporth Surgery, we offer different appointments to help you get the care you need as soon as possible.
Appointments System
Consultations are firstly telephone appointments, and then if the clinician feels it is required a face to face appointment is booked. Another alternative is AccuRx by clicking on the link to the right or booking through the NHS app.
You can book a routine telephone appointment up to 28 days in advance. There is a duty doctor available Monday to Friday for emergency on the day appointments ONLY.
All appointments with the nurses and other healthcare professionals can also be booked in advance.
Please contact the team on 01872 572255.
Urgent appointments
If your appointment is urgent, we’ll arrange for a GP to see you on the same day.
You can also call NHS 111 for general medical advice.